You have opened the page navigator and opened (at least) one project.
- You have selected one or more pages in the page navigator. Page > Number. In the Number pages dialog, select the Preview of result check box and click [OK].
- You have copied and inserted the pages. Click [Number] in the Adapt structure dialog. In the Number pages dialog, select the Preview of result check box and click [OK].
In this dialog the original and target numbered pages are displayed opposite each other in a table. You can accept the new page names or change them.
Overview of the main dialog elements:
In the table, the original and target page names are displayed with their structure identifiers. In the columns of the target pages, you can change the page names or structure identifiers.
If page names will be overwritten by your choice of new page numbers, EPLAN marks the affected pages with an * (asterisk). The table cell background is also red.
You can only accept the new numbering when no pages are marked with an asterisk. You must therefore change the page names or abort the renumbering process and perform the renumbering anew. In this case, change the starting number and increment settings in the Number pages dialog, or create subpages.
Popup menu:
The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (e.g. date, integer, multilingual) - the following menu items that are, depending on the situation, available for influencing the table or editing the values in the fields. You can find an overview of these popup menu items in the section Popup menu items.
See also