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Generating Parts Based on Schematic Data

In EPLAN, a part can be generated from the data stored at a component. Among other data, the part and device-specific data (function definition, connection point designation, etc.) is transferred to the parts database. A part generated in this way contains function templates for all device functions and is stored as a part in the project.


  1. Select the Generate part popup menu item.

    The Parts management dialog opens. The new part is sorted into the product group structure of the parts management module with reference to the function definition for the component, and is preset.

    If a part already exists in the project, a query is displayed that you have to confirm to overwrite. If the part does not exist yet in the parts database, the parts management is subsequently opened, and the new part is pre-selected.

    If a part already exists in the parts database, a further security prompt is displayed. If you confirm this prompt with [Yes], the device-specific data (such as the function templates) are updated at the parts already existing in the parts database. In this case the parts management is opened and the part is pre-selected. If you click [No], the parts existing in the project are overwritten. However, the part in the parts database is not updated.
  2. If necessary, you can edit the data of the new part on the tabs on the right.
  3. Click [Close].

    Exits the Parts management dialog.

    If data that may have been changed is not saved via [Apply] then an additional confirmation prompt is displayed. A message is also displayed allowing you to decide whether an automatic "Parts database -> Project" parts data synchronization should be performed.


Parts generated in this way are given the value "NEW" under Function group on the Technical data tab. This allows you to specifically filter for such parts.

See also