An assembly is a collection of parts belonging to one device (e.g., a pushbutton with an NO contact, the appropriate bracket, and the pushbutton head). The assembly has its own part number and can contain subassemblies. The parts contained in assemblies also contain information about part variants. Specially for device selection and for reports, then, the technical data for variants will also be taken into account.
- You have opened the Parts management dialog (Tab Master data > Command group Parts > Management).
- You have marked the "Assembly" hierarchy level or an assembly part in the tree.
- Select the New popup menu item in the tree.
If you have highlighted the "Assembly" hierarchy level, EPLAN generates a new assembly with the part number New(<consecutive_number>).
If you have highlighted an assembly part, EPLAN generates a new assembly with the part number original_part number(<consecutive_number>).
- In the right-hand section of the dialog change to the Properties tab.
- Change the automatically assigned entry for the Part number property in the General hierarchy level.
- Change the product grouping for the assembly, if hierarchy levels with the "Undefined" designation have occurred. This is the case, for example, when you have selected the "Assembly" hierarchy level.
- To this purpose click in the Value column for the Product grouping property and then click [...]. From the drop-down list with the product groups double-click to select the desired product subgroup (e.g. "General").
The selected product grouping is displayed in the Product grouping property. After application of the modifications the product grouping is also displayed for the hierarchy levels in the tree.
- Enter the other data of the assembly (e.g. Manufacturer) in the Properties tab.
- Click [Apply] to save the entries and modifications without leaving parts management.
If no "Assembly" hierarchy level is available for a generic product group (e.g. Fluid power), you create an assembly via the popup menu items New > Assembly.
Assign assembly positions
- You have opened the Parts management dialog (Tab Master data > Command group Parts > Management).
- You have created an assembly.
- Mark the desired assembly in the tree or in the list.
- In the right-hand section of the dialog change to the Assembly tab.
- Click on
(New) to generate a line in the list of assembly positions.
- Click [...] in the Part number column.
- In the tree or list view select the desired part in the Part selection dialog. Multiple selection is not possible.
- Click [OK].
- Repeat these steps for each additional assignment.
- If you want a distributed placement of the assembly in the 3D mounting layout, activate the Distributed placement of assembly check box.
- Close the parts management and save the modified data.
- Click [Yes] in the subsequent dialog to perform a parts data synchronization.
The default setting for a new line is taken from the line currently selected, i.e., its data on number and part number is used. If no entry is marked, then an empty line is generated (with a default Quantity = "1").
See also