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EPLAN Actions

In EPLAN, program features that have visible consequences for the user are implemented using so-called "Actions". For example, all commands of the ribbon are each linked to an action.

You can explicitly access some of these actions and use this to (e.g.) automatically run certain program features. This help file lists all available actions and their possible parameters.

EPLAN actions offer the following options:

  • You can insert some actions as commands when customizing the ribbon.
  • You can use some of these actions to start EPLAN via a command line.
  • You can also use the actions when creating and running scripts.
  • The automatically generated scripts of the Automated processing functionality also make use of EPLAN actions.


When you use the EPLAN actions in a script or a command line, you must pay attention to the correct use of upper and lower case. The case of the action name and the parameter(s) must agree with the case shown here.

See also