This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: export




Type of task that the action is to perform:
PXFPROJECT: Export project in EPJ format.
GRAPHICPROJECT: Export project in graphic format (TIF, GIF, PNG, JPG).
GRAPHICPAGE: Export pages in graphic format (TIF, GIF, PNG, JPG).
DXFPROJECT: Export project in DXF Format.
DWGPROJECT: Export project in DWG Format.
PDFPROJECT: Export project in PDF format. - This is outdated; use PDFPROJECTSCHEME!
DXFPAGE: Export pages in DXF Format.
DWGPAGE: Export pages in DWG Format.
PDFPAGE: Export an individual page in PDF format. - This is outdated; use PDFPAGESSCHEME!
PDFPAGES: Export several pages in PDF format. - This is outdated; use PDFPAGESSCHEME!
PDFPROJECTSCHEME: Export project in PDF format.
PDFPAGESSCHEME: Export pages in PDF Format. Used in combination with the PAGENAMEn parameter (e.g., /PAGENAME1:=EB3+ET1/2 /PAGENAME2:=EB3+ET1/4 /PAGENAME3:=EB3+ET1/7, etc.).

DXFDWGPROJECTSCHEME: Export project in DXF or DWG format. All settings are read from the scheme, also the DXF or DWG format.

DXFDWGPPAGESSCHEME: Export pages in DXF or DWG format. All settings are read from the scheme, also the DXF or DWG format. Is used together with the parameter PAGENAMEn (for example /PAGENAME1:=AP+ST1/2 /PAGENAME2:=AP+ST1/4 /PAGENAME3:=AP+ST1/7 etc.).


Project name with complete file path (optional).
If nothing is entered, the selected project will be used if the action is to be run over the user interface (e.g. via the script or ribbon). When executing from the Windows command line, PROJECTNAME must be specified or ProjectAction has to be used before that. Otherwise a system message will appear.


If the TYPE parameter has the value PXFPROJECT, the name of the project to be exported is stated together with EXPORTFILE (optional). Default value: Project name. The system adds a file name extension automatically.
If the TYPE parameter is set to PDFPROJECTSCHEME or PDFPAGESSCHEME, you specify the name of the PDF file with this parameter (required: complete name and file path).


Specifies whether master data is to be included in the export (optional). Default = 1 (Yes). This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has the following value: PXFPROJECT.


Specifies whether connections are to be included in the export (optional). Default = 0 (No). This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has the following value: PXFPROJECT.


Name of the pages to be exported (optional). This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: DXFPAGE, DXFPROJECT, DWGPAGE, DWGPROJECT, GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT.


Names of the pages to be exported (optional). In this case, n is a number, e.g., /PAGENAME1:=EB3+ET1/2 /PAGENAME2:=EB3+ET1/4 /PAGENAME3:=EB3+ET1/7, etc. These parameters are only effective in connection with the following values of the TYPE parameter: DXFPAGE, DWGPAGE, PDFPAGES, PDFPAGESSCHEME.


Target directory. Relevance of this parameter.
For GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT: Directory where the graphic data is saved. If this directory does not exist yet, it will be created. Below this directory a new directory with the name of the project is created. It will store the individual graphic files.
For DXFPAGE, DXFPROJECT, DWGPAGE, DWGPROJECT: Directory into which the data are to be exported (optional). Default value is the project directory. If this parameter is used in combination with the "PAGENAMEn" parameter, DESTINATIONPATH will be ignored and the target directory imported from the scheme.


Output format: Supported export formats:

  • BMP: Available color depth: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32
  • TIF: Available color depth: 1, 4, 8, 24 and 32
  • GIF: color depth is irrelevant
  • PNG: Available color depth: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32
  • JPG: Available color depth: 1, 4, 8, 16, 24 and 32

This parameter is optional. Default value: TIF. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT.


Color depth of image. Possible values are 1, 8, 16, 24 and 32. This parameter is optional. Default value: 24. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT.


Width of image in pixels. The height is automatically calculated from the side dimensions. This parameter is optional. Default value: 80. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT.


Type of compression when outputting in Tiff format. This parameter has no effect on the other output formats. For CCITT3, CCITT4 and RLE compression the color depth is always 1, that is, a binary image is created. This parameter is optional. Possible values are LZW, RLE, CCITT3, CCITT4, NONE. Default value: NONE. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT.


The output is in black and white. Note: The image format or image size is not influenced by this, meaning that the files do not get smaller. Default value: 1 (black and white). This parameter is also optional and has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: GRAPHICPAGE, GRAPHICPROJECT. The parameter can also be used for PDFPROJECTSCHEME and PDFPAGESSCHEME, with 1 = Black and white, 0 = Color and 2 = Grayscale.


Determines whether only filtered pages or all project pages will be used (optional). This parameter takes effect only in combination with the values GRAPHICPAGE, DXFPAGE, and DWGPAGE of the TYPE parameter if the PAGENAME or PAGENAMEn parameters are not used.
Default value: 0.


Scheme for DXF/DWG and PDF export (optional). If this parameter is not available or empty (""), then the most recently used DXF/DWG or PDF export scheme is used. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: DXFPAGE, DXFPROJECT, DWGPAGE, DWGPROJECT, PDFPROJECTSCHEME, PDFPAGESSCHEME.


If the value is 1, a zoom window will be used when jumping from navigation pages to components in the PDF file. The components are then displayed centered within the zoom window.


If USEZOOM is set to 1, specify the desired zoom level in "mm" under ZOOMLEVEL. The value entered reflects the height of the screen section that is to be displayed magnified after the jump. A smaller value (e.g., 20 mm) thus leads to a greatly magnified display of the respective component on the screen. You can enter values from 1 to 3,500.
If the USEZOOM is set to 0, the ZOOMLEVEL has no effect on the result.


If the value is 1, only a simple link will be created in the PDF file. If the value is 0, then "three-way jumps" are available for all components in the PDF file.


If the value is 1, the quick Web display is activated in the PDF file.


If the value is 1, the PDF file is write-protected.


If the value is 1, print margins are used for the PDF export (optional). Default value: 0. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: PDFPAGE, PDFPAGES und PDFPROJECT.


Indicates the export medium. The parameter can have the following values: "Disk", "FromSettings". Upper-/lower-case letters do not have to be taken into account for the values.
If the value is set to "FromSettings", the target of the export (i.e. the output directory) is specified by the settings (scheme). If "Disk" is set as the value, the output directory is set via the DESTINATIONPATH parameter. (If nothing is entered, export is carried out to a storage medium. This option is only available for reasons of compatibility and should not be used anymore.)
This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: DXFPROJECT, DXFPAGE, DWGPROJECT, DWGPAGE. If the DXF / DWG pages (/TYPE:DXFPAGE, /TYPE:DWGPAGE) are exported with the PAGENAMEn parameter, the TARGET parameter will be set to the value "FromSettings" automatically.


Language code. Indicates the output language of the export. Note: The case has to be observed at this parameter. Correct language identifiers: en_US, de_DE, etc. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: DXFPROJECT, DXFPAGE, DWGPROJECT, DWGPAGE.


Boolean parameter. If the value is 1, the 3D models of the layout spaces in the project are also exported. Note that the export scheme includes other settings that affect the export of the 3D models. This parameter has an effect only if the TYPE parameter has one of the following values: PDFPROJECTSCHEME, PDFPAGESSCHEME.


  • If a page is stated explicitly via the PAGENAME parameter, only this page will be exported, and the USEPAGEFILTER parameter will be ignored.
  • If no page is explicitly stated via the PAGENAME parameter, the project pages will be determined. If the USEPAGEFILTER parameter is set to 1 (i.e. a page filter is activate), only the filtered pages in the page navigator are exported. If the USEPAGEFILTER parameter is not used or set to 0, all project pages will be exported.
  • If the TYPE parameter = DXFPAGE, DXFPROJECT, DWGPAGE or DWGPROJECT, and the TARGET parameter is not entered, the output target will be imported from the settings, and the DESTINATIONPATH parameter will be ignored.