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Determining the Connection Length (Topology)

The length of routing connections is calculated from the following components:

  • Total lengths of the routing paths and routing points that have been passed through (these lengths can be entered manually or determined automatically)
  • Connection point lengths of source and target: Lengths from the connection point pattern (X, Y, and Z position and additional length) + connection point extra length at source and target function
  • Global extra length (half of it is added to the automatically determined length, and a quarter each to the connection point lengths of the source and target).

Determination of connection point lengths of the source and target

The connection point length of an individual connection is made up of the length which was determined for the associated connection point on the basis of the connection point pattern and the connection point extra length at source and target function.

When determining the length from the Connection point pattern, for each connection point the values from the fields X position, Y position, and Z position are added up (this corresponds to a rectangular wiring). For this purpose, the entry from the Additional length field is added, or – if this is 0 – the value of the Additional length (default) property of the part. In case of a local connection point pattern, the Additional length (default) property is not taken into account.

The Connection point extra length is entered on the source and target functions in the property Topology: Connection point extra length. Here, for example, the length of the last routing point to the item can be entered.

Route cables

The connections of a cable are initially routed like individual connections. When routing the first connection of a cable, all other connections of the cable will be routed automatically.

Then, the routing paths are determined automatically through which most of the individual connections of the cable pass. This "joint path" becomes the default for all connections of the cable and is entered on the cable in the Topology: Routing track property. Subsequently, all connections of the cable will be routed once again automatically, taking into account this default.

The cable length is calculated from the length of the "joint path" (X) and the connection point lengths of the source and target (X1 + X2).

The connection point length of the cable is derived from the longest connection point length of the individual cable connections (length from the last point of the "joint path" to the connection point in the device) and the connection point extra length at source and target function. The connection point lengths of the cable connections are determined for each connection point from the connection point pattern.

Cables can be routed only if all individual connections of the cable have been defined unambiguously. Connections are identified via the properties Color / number and Pair index, which is why these properties must show different values.

Stripping length of the cable

The stripping length is determined from the connection point pattern. For each connection point the values from the fields X position, Y position, and Z position are added up (this corresponds to a rectangular wiring). For this purpose, the entry from the Additional length field is added, or – if this is 0 – the value of the Additional length (default) property of the part. In case of a local connection point pattern, the Additional length (default) property is not taken into account.

The highest determined value of the individual connections is entered into the cable properties Cable / Conduit: Source: Stripping length and Cable / Conduit: Target: Stripping length.

See also