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Drawing Connection Definition Points

Connections also be assigned properties via connection definition points.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Insert > Command group Cables / connections > Connection.
  2. Place the connection definition point on an autoconnect line.
  3. In the Properties <...> dialog specify the connection properties in the Connection definition point tab (and other properties in the other tabs, if necessary).
  4. Click [OK].

    The properties are assigned to the connection passing through the connection definition point.


  • You can insert multiple connection definition points at the same time by holding the left mouse button down and pulling the cursor over multiple autoconnect lines. At each autoconnect line intersected, a connection definition point is then placed.
  • A cable definition line can be used to set multiple connection definition points at the same time. Definition points are placed on all connections with intersections. It is then possible to delete these individual definition points.

See also