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Dialog Settings: DT syntax check

In this dialog, you can define the characters allowed for DT identifier blocks, device tags, and count numbers. These settings can be carried out separately for structure identifiers (of pages, for example) and for electrical engineering and fluid power DTs.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Tab Structure Identifier

Enable check:

Select this check box if you want to check the identifier blocks. Once you have entered the page or device tag properties, EPLAN automatically checks whether the syntax for the specified structure identifier is correct. If this is not the case, EPLAN opens a message dialog in which the incorrect elements are displayed.


The identifier blocks for electrical engineering or fluid power DTs are not checked if the Enable check check box is selected on the Electrical engineering or Fluid tab.

Identifier blocks:

In this group box you specify the extent of the check for the identifier blocks (for example Function designation and Location designation for a DIN-compliant identifier structure). The following entries are possible:

  • Numbers: Select this option if only numbers should be considered during the check.
  • All upper-case letters and numbers: Select this option if all of the upper-case letters and numbers should be considered during the check.
  • All upper- and lower-case letters and numbers: Select this option if lower-case letters should also be considered during the check, in addition to all upper-case letters and numbers.
  • Valid special characters: Select this check box if the special characters listed next to the field should be allowed when entering the DT.
  • Special text characters: Select this check box if additional special characters (e.g. umlauts) should be allowed. Enter these special characters in the input field.
  • Only numbers for higher-level function numbers: Select this check box if only numbers are to be permitted when checking higher-level function numbers.

Electrical engineering / Fluid tabs

The settings that you make here apply only to the device tag components of the full DT (e.g. Identifier and Counter), and not to the identifier blocks.

Enable check:

Select this check box if the device tags should be checked. After specifying the device tag properties, EPLAN then automatically checks whether the syntax for the specified device tag identifier is correct. If this is not the case, EPLAN opens a message dialog in which the incorrect elements are displayed.

If the check box is deselected, the electrical engineering / fluid power DTs are not checked.


If the Enable check check box on the Electrical engineering or Fluid tab is selected, the entire device tag string is checked, i.e. the full DT including the identifier blocks. The settings on the Structure identifier tab are used for the identifier blocks, even if the check box is deselected on that tab.

Device tag:

In this group box you define the extent of checking for device tags:

  • All upper-case letters and numbers: Select this option if all of the upper-case letters and numbers should be considered during the check.
  • All upper- and lower-case letters and numbers: Select this option if lower-case letters should also be considered during the check, in addition to all upper-case letters and numbers.
  • Valid special characters: Select this check box if the special characters listed next to the field should be allowed when entering the DT.
  • Special text characters: Select this check box if additional special characters (e.g. umlauts) should be allowed. Enter these special characters in the input field.
  • Prefix digits: Select whether prefixes are permitted, forbidden, or compulsory from the drop-down list.

Count number:

In this group box you specify the extent of the count number check. With the exception of the Special text characters check box, which is not allowed for counters, the possible entries here are the same as those in the Identifier blocks group box (in the Structure identifier tab).

See also