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Dialog Define working sections / Dialog Define working sections as project administrator

In the Define working sections dialog, you specify - by selecting a certain scheme - your defined working section within the project.

In the Define working sections as project administrator dialog, you define the defined working sections as schemes and assign the possible editors to these defined working sections.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Table Definition:

The table displays the defined working sections defined for the project and their current users. Select a scheme to determine your defined working section.

  • Status: The icon in this column shows whether the defined working sections are uniquely separated from each other or if they overlap. "Overlap" means that certain objects (e.g. pages, layout spaces, or pre-planning segments) exist in several defined working sections. Concerning the generation of subprojects, defined working sections must not overlap. A green check mark proves that the defined working section does not overlap with any other. A yellow warning triangle indicates that parts of this defined working section are also contained in other defined working sections.
  • Scheme: Here, the working sections defined for the project are listed. For this, the names of the schemes are displayed in which the criteria for the division are determined.
  • Description: Here, the describing text for the associated scheme is displayed.
  • Revision: If a defined working section has been revised, the current revision is displayed here.
  • All editors: In this column, you will also see the other users who have selected a defined working section in the project. If you have opened the Define working sections as project administrator dialog, the All editors column is validated. There, you can enter new editors for the respective defined working section or delete them. Several editors are separated by a comma.
  • My defined working section: In this column you define your defined working section by activating the check box for the desired scheme. The project data navigators will then display only the pages, devices, etc. corresponding to the criteria determined in the scheme.
  • Locked by: If a defined working section is locked, the cause is displayed here. This is the case when the defined working section has been filed off as a subproject.

Use the (Edit) button of the Define working sections as project administrator dialog to open the Filter dialog. You can edit the settings for the scheme there, or create new schemes. All properties for structure identifiers are available for filtering. In addition you can use the Trade (Defined working sections) property to filter by certain trades on pages, layout spaces, functions, and connections.

Furthermore the buttons (Import) and (Export) are available for the import and export of xml schemes.


  • Even an empty structure identifier defines a defined working section and can be selected for editing.
  • A defined working section for the "Fluid power general" trade also takes into account individual trades "Hydraulics", "Pneumatics", "Cooling", and "Lubrication". If you have defined such a scheme, the defined working section will display, e.g., pages with the "Fluid power general" trade as well as pages for which the individual trades "Hydraulics", "Pneumatics", etc. have been set.
  • Pages contain the additional trade setting "General". The "General" trade is the default setting when generating report pages. If you filter defined working sections by certain trades, pages with the "General" trade are output along any other trade.

Work temporarily in entire project:

If this check box is activated, editing is extended temporarily to the entire project. For example, this can be helpful in updating reports.

If the check box is deactivated, editing will be possible only within the specified defined working section.

See also