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Automatic Dimensioning in Model Views, 2D Drilling Views and Copper Unfolds

The devices of an enclosure and NC-relevant cut-outs (drill holes, sections, etc.) represented in the views and copper unfolds can be dimensioned automatically. The items to be dimensioned and the properties of the dimensioning can be stored as project-specific settings in a scheme. You insert the automatic dimensioning by selecting a corresponding scheme in the property dialog. To this purpose the Model view: Scheme for automatic dimensioning property is available in the Properties table on the View tab.

Automatic dimensioning means a considerable reduction in time required compared to manual dimensioning for the user, in particular when many views have to be dimensioned.


Automatic dimensioning is not possible in the following views and representations:

  • In views that do not view the mounting surface vertically, for example in isometric and side views
  • In the 2D panel layout or other graphical representations.
  • If the plane into which an automatic dimensioning is to be inserted, does not lie orthogonally to the viewpoint on the screen, but is aligned slightly slanted, the following system message is output: "Automatic dimensioning was not generated. Coordinates for a basic item were not found in the model view." In this case activate the property Model view: Apply viewpoint to mounting surface in the View tab (model view) in the Properties table. This way, even an item with sloping alignment will be depicted in the model view correctly and orthogonally. The dimensioning generated on it will then correspond to the real values.

In the case of repeated automatic dimensioning the old automatic dimensionings are deleted from a view and subsequently generated again. Additional manually inserted dimensionings are not deleted in the process.

If automatic dimensionings are changed subsequently by the user, for example the position and legibility of the dimension values, these changes are lost when automatic dimensioning is generated again.

Automatic dimensioning of items in a row

In order to avoid a confusingly large amount of automatically generated dimensionings at items in a row with the same dimensions, automatic dimensionings are inserted at mounting rails, horizontal rails, busbar systems (supports) and rails in accordance with the following rules:

  • The first measuring point is one of the four selectable corner points at the enclosing rectangle of the length-variable support item.
  • Only an incremental dimension between the starting and end point of the item is carried out.
  • Starting from the first measuring point on the first item in a row is dimensioned, similarly at terminal strips.
  • After a gap between two items in a row only the first item in a row is dimensioned again.

See also