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Trimming Elements

The two trim functionalities Cut off and Length let you cut off, extend, or shorten graphical elements. It is not possible to select multiple elements.

The graphical elements of a group can be trimmed by ungrouping, by deactivating the Grouping button, or by pressing down the [Shift] key while trimming the respective element.


Note that the trimming of graphical elements does not take into account splines. Nor can you cut ellipses from splines and ellipses.


You have opened a project. You have opened an editor such as the graphical editor, the plot frame editor, etc.

Cutting off elements

Cutting off sections is possible for the following elements:

  • Line
  • Polyline
  • Polygon
  • Rectangle
  • Circle
  • Arc
  • Sector
  • Ellipse.

Graphical elements comprising just a line and not intersecting with other elements are fully erased.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Graphic > Cut off.
  2. Click on the desired section of a line or a graphical object.

    The selected section is removed.
  3. End the action via the Cancel action popup menu item or via the [Esc] button.

Change length

You can use the Length command to extend or shorten lines and arcs. One end of the element to be trimmed always remains unchanged; the other end is moved to make the trimmed element shorter or longer.

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Graphic > Length.
  2. Click on the end of the line to be changed.
  3. Move the cursor in the direction in which the line is to be extended or shortened.
  4. The line will be extended or shortened accordingly.
  5. End the action via the Cancel action popup menu item or via the [Esc] button.


  • You can also open the Input box when changing the length and extend / shorten the line by entering positive / negative values.
  • When modifying the length, special handles are automatically displayed even if object snap is not enabled. These are the intersection points. In particular when normal snap points are hard to differentiate from the intersections, the intersections are easier to define if you deactivate the Object snap button in the status bar.
  • If the Object snap button is activated, then ends, snap points, and intersections with other lines are used as snap points when extending / shortening. The lines are then automatically connected to these snap points when trimming.

See also