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Interruption Points: Cross-references

Interruption points form cross-references, with two types of cross-references being distinguished:

  • Star cross-reference: With a star cross-reference, an interruption point is defined as the starting point. All other interruption points of the same name refer to this starting point. At the starting point, a formattable list of the cross-references to the other interruption points is displayed. Here, you can define how many cross-references are to be displayed alongside or between each other.
  • Chain cross-reference: With chain cross-references, the first interruption point refers to the second, the third to the fourth etc., i.e. the references follow from page to page.

On the first arrow of a chain, you can also display cross-references to all other arrows in the chain (one per page is configurable). These can be formatted as with the source of a star layout.

The sequence of formation of the pairs in chain interruption points can de defined in the Sort interruption points dialog. The sequence can also be defined by entering a sort code at the interruption point, where the sort code is used to affect the target number in a star layout.

Every interruption point has an opposing partner. If EPLAN can't find the opposing partner, then this is recognized as an error and is entered into the message management.

See also