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Tab General (Settings: External Editing)

In this tab you specify the general settings for the external editing.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

File type:

In this drop-down list, select the file type to be generated when exporting. Depending on the selection you can open the dialog for the respective settings via [Options].

Target file:

In this field, specify the drive, directory and name of the target file to be created, or click to interactively select the drive and directory.

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.


If you have selected the entry "Excel file (*.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)" from the drop-down list File type, you can enter the file path and name of a template file in this field or select it via . This template then determines the data format during the export.

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.

See also