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Extensions for the PLC Data Exchange in the AutomationML AR APC Format Version 1.2.0

PLC data exchange is possible for different PLC manufacturers in AutomationML format. Different variants exist in the AutomationML format depending on the respective usage. The "Application Recommendation Automation Project Configuration" (short: "AR APC") variant is used for the PLC data exchange. The following extensions for the PLC data exchange in the AutomationML AR APC format have been realized for this version:
- Support of the current AutomationML AR APC Version 1.2.0
- Exchange of drive components
- Exchange of device-specific configuration values.

Support of the current AutomationML AR APC Version 1.2.0

With this version EPLAN supports the current AutomationML AR APC Version 1.2.0. To this purpose the "AutomationML AR APC V1.2.0" entry is available in the Format of export file field of the Export PLC data dialog.

In contrast to the export in the "AutomationML AR APC V1.1.0" format the following improvements, amongst others, are available:

  • The exchange of drive components is now possible.
  • The exchange of device-specific configuration values is now possible.

Exchange of drive components

Drive systems consist of different components such as motors, inverters, sensors etc. To group such components belonging to a drive in EPLAN, the indexed property Drive (ID 20576) is available at the functions in the schematic since EPLAN version 2.9. For this version this property has been expanded from previously 10 to now 64 indexes so that up to 64 drives can now be assigned to a function.

The exchange of drive components is possible with the "AutomationML AR APC V1.2.0" export format. To this purpose the new check box Export drives is available to you in the dialog Settings: AutomationML AR APC export. If this check box is activated, drives and drive components are output as well in the export file.


With the export of drive components the subsequent configuration in the PLC configuration program has been simplified further.

Exchange of device-specific configuration values

Device-specific configuration values are parameters that can be set individually at a device. These can, for example, be switch levels for pressure switches or basic conditions of safety-relevant devices after switching on.

The exchange of device-specific configuration values is possible with the "AutomationML AR APC V1.2.0" export format. The Export device-specific configuration values check box must be activated in the Settings: AutomationML AR APC export dialog so that device-specific configuration values can be output as well in the export file.


You can also exchange the properties that are not available by default in EPLAN by means of the exchange of device-specific configuration values.

You have two possibilities in EPLAN to use such device-specific configuration values: In the TemplateIdentifier and / or PLC station: TemplateIdentifier properties you can reference a template in a PLC configuration program (detailed information on this is available from the PLC manufacturer) or you can create user-defined part reference properties in EPLAN.

In this context the property TemplateReference (ID 20580 for functions and ID 22338 for parts) has been renamed to TemplateIdentifier.
In addition the new property PLC station: TemplateIdentifier (ID 20614) now exists for functions. Here you can enter the name of a station-specific template. The property should be filled in at each PLC box that represents a CPU or a head station within the affected station.

See also