When numbering with PLC data, devices included in the scope of numbering are numbered. General devices take the PLC data into their DT corresponding to the settings; terminals and pins incorporate it into their designations.
When numbering with PLC data, only digital or analog inputs and outputs are taken into account. Devices connected to general PLC connection points are not numbered.
- In the graphical editor or in a navigator, PLC connection points are selected, or one or more pages are selected in the page navigator on which PLC connection points are located.
- You have specified the scope and format of numbering.
- Select the following commands: Tab Devices > Command group Devices > Drop-down button Number > Using PLC data.
- Select a scheme defining the settings for the numbering from the drop-down list in the Settings field.
The groups of devices that are numbered are displayed in the Format groups used field.
- In the Overwrite group box, specify which DT / designations should be overwritten during the numbering.
- Select the Mark as "Numbered using PLC data" check box so that functions changed by numbering will be flagged.
During numbering, the "Numbered using PLC data" property will be set for these functions.
- Activate the Preview of result check box to see a preview of the numbering results before the new DT / designations are adopted and click [OK].
- If necessary, change the DTs or designations in the dialog Number using PLC data: Preview of result and click [OK].
- Click [OK].
The devices included in the scope of numbering will be numbered according to the formatting settings and accept data from the PLC connection point into the DT or designation.
See also