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Page Navigator

Collections of pages are created within the projects, containing the schematics, terminal diagrams, cable diagrams, project descriptions (text), construction drawings (graphical, DXF, etc.), photos (image files in various graphical formats), etc. The average project size is approximately 300 pages. Large projects contain tens of thousands of pages, usually split into several sub-projects.
Overviews of master data such as forms, symbol libraries, macros, etc., are not displayed in the page navigator. Due to the large amount of data to be displayed, all project editing functions are located in the Project Management module.

The following is possible:

  • The page navigator shows all open projects, structure identifiers, and their pages.
  • The filter function enables searching for particular pages and a limiting of the display to the pages that match certain criteria.
  • Pages can be opened and displayed in the graphical editor.
  • Pages can be created, copied, or deleted.
  • You can view and edit the properties of pages.
  • You can import and export pages.
  • Operations such as backup, numbering, printing, etc. can be performed for one or more pages.


Please note that for all actions relating to the naming of pages, the page name must not be more than 32 characters long and the subpage name 16 characters long. If this is not the case, they will not necessarily be correctly added to the page sort order.

See also