You have opened a project.
- Tab Devices > Command group 2D panel layout > Navigator. In the tree view you have selected the mounting panel whose enclosure legend is to be updated. Popup menu item Edit legend item.
- You are in the graphical editor on a "Panel layout" page and have selected the mounting panel whose enclosure legend is to be updated. Tab Devices > Command group 2D panel layout > Navigator. Popup menu item Edit legend item.
- You have opened the layout space navigator and a layout space. You have selected a layout space in the layout space navigator whose legend items are to be edited. Popup menu item Edit legend item.
In this dialog you edit the positions of the enclosure legends.
Overview of the main dialog elements:
Popup menu:
The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (e.g. date, integer, multilingual) - the following menu items that are, depending on the situation, available for influencing the table or editing the values in the fields. You can find an overview of these popup menu items in the section Popup menu items.
Depending on the selected columns in the Configure representation dialog, different information relating to the individual legend items is displayed. The Legend item column itself can't be masked out; it is the only column in this dialog that can be edited.
Click this button to open the Number dialog where you define the numbering settings for the legend items.
See also