This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Device Selection: Procedure

Device selection can be performed for the entire project or a selection of devices. Device selection can be called up from different places:

  • From the Properties <...> dialog
  • From the graphical editor
  • From the Device navigator
  • From the Bill of materials navigator.

Depending on where the device selection was called up, the following different selection sets are available:

  • The current project
  • Marked pages
  • Highlighted elements in the graphical editor, in the device navigator or in the bill of materials navigator.

When you select a device, the program first checks if the parts manager contains the same functions as the device. If not, the program checks whether there are general functions (e.g. turnkeys, general). If so, the device is offered. On the other hand, for a device with general functions, all devices are offered that have a functional template from the same group.

You can select a device based on the type number, order number, or part number. For each part selected, (electrical) characteristics, function groups, part group, protection variant, assembly, and product subgroup are taken from the part definition in the schematic. Possible accessory components of a part are displayed with it.

Furthermore, there is a tabular preview of the defined function templates. The necessary function templates (that is, those defined for the device via its functions) and those determined in the device definition are displayed.

Depending on the settings for device selection, it is checked whether existing function data (e.g. the connection point designations) are changed by a device selection. An icon shows whether the device's function definitions correspond to those of a device definition.


  • For devices with function definitions from the "Graphic" group, the device selection returns all the parts that have function templates with the "Graphic" function definition. In addition, all parts without function templates and accessory parts are displayed. In this way, parts from the "Mechanics" generic product group, for example, can be selected.
  • The Connection point designation has to be activated in the settings of the device selection in order for existing connection points to be taken into consideration when accessories are added through device selection.

Device selection for special functions

Functions that are only needed to define a device are handled separately in the device selection. This includes black boxes, PLC boxes, terminal strip definitions, plug definitions, cable definitions and shields.

If the device selection is carried out for a device that consists only of such functions and is otherwise empty. the device selection will display all parts that have at least the function templates for this function.

Multiple selection (block editing)

For multiple selection of elements, the behavior of the device or part selection changes according to whether they are started from the Properties <...> dialog or from the navigator:

  • If you select a device or a part from the Properties <...> dialog, the selected part data are "copied" to all selected components (i.e. the selected part is assigned to all marked elements). However, only the first component is used as a selection criterion. If the part selected does not fit the other elements, then the appropriate messages are displayed after a test run.
  • For device selection or part selection from the bill of materials navigator, the selection dialog is called up for each selected element in succession.

The device selection is performed once for each main function selected.

Assignment of parts to devices

Devices can be represented by one or more components:

  • Single symbol, e.g. motor
  • Distributed device (multiple symbols, same DT), e.g. contactor, premade cable
  • Module (multiple symbols, different device tags), e.g. star-delta starter circuit as a 19" / MCC insert.

Different parts can be assigned to these devices:

  • Single parts
  • Assembly
  • Hierarchically organized assembly
  • Module.

Any combination of device and parts is possible. Module information is stored in the main function.

Assignment of modules

Modules can also be assigned using the device selection - in addition to individual parts or assemblies.

If a module is assigned to a "normal" main function, then the part number of the module is stored there.

If a module is assigned to a black box, however, then EPLAN looks at all the main and auxiliary functions contained in the marked black box and in all black boxes cross-referenced with it, and assigns the parts of the module to the appropriate main functions. The data from the function templates is also transferred to the functions contained in the black box.

If an assembly is assigned to the black box instead of a module, then the parts of the assembly are stored in the black box and are not distributed among the functions it contains.

See also