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Dialog Settings: Numbering / PCT loops

In this dialog you specify the properties that are to be identifying additionally for PCT loops and the hierarchical levels that allow for identical PCT loops.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Group box Identifying properties in addition to the 'Number'

In this group box, you can determine which properties identify PCT loops. The "Number" PCT loop number component is always identifying. If no further properties are specified as identifying, the numbers of all the PCT loops are incremented with the specified increment during numbering.

If a further PCT loop number component (technical facility, measurand or processing function) is to be identifying, activate the respective check boxes. In this case the PCT loops are numbered group-wise per identifier. If, for example, only the "Measurand" property is identifying additionally, all those PCT loops are numbered together that have the same identifier for the measurand.

The properties specified as identifying are taken into account also in the check for planning objects occurring multiple times.


You define the numbering settings, such as the start value, increment, etc. during the configuration of segment definitions in the dialog Configure segment definitions by means of the Designation numbering group box.

Allow PCT loops of identical designation:

In this drop-down list, select whether PCT loops may have the same designation. Designations occurring several times that do not correspond to the settings are interpreted as errors and can be found by means of a check run (P028017).

  • No: The designations of the PCT loops must be unique project-wide.
  • Up to level in tree: Within the determined hierarchy level and in the superior hierarchy levels, PCT loop designations may occur several times, but only in different branches. Within the same branch, PCT loop designations must always be unique. Below the determined level, identical PCT loop designations must not occur, not even in different subordinate branches of a segment.

In miscellaneous segments up to level in tree:

This field is active only if you have selected the "Up to level in tree" setting in the Allow PCT loops of identical designation field. Here, you specify the hierarchy level in the tree view of the pre-planning navigator up to which PCT loops with identical designation are permitted.

The PCT loop designations must be unique below a segment of this level. This means that all PCT loops which are subordinate to a certain segment with the hierarchy level determined here must have different PCT loop designations. This is true both for the PCT loops which are directly subordinate to the segment and for the PCT loops in all further subordinate hierarchy levels. PCT loops which are subordinate to different segments with the hierarchy level determined here may, however, have the same designation.

Always transfer 'Number' to PCT loop functions:

If this check box is enabled, PCT loop functions will always be assigned the Number property from the associated PCT loop.

If the check box is disabled, you can enter your own numbers for PCT loop functions. In this case the numbers of the PCT loop functions are numbered in accordance with the configuration of the segment definitions when PCT loop functions inserted.

Allow PCT loop functions of identical designation:

If this check box is activated, the designations of PCT loop functions may occur several times in the project.

If the check box is deactivated, the designations of the PCT loop functions must be unique project-wide. PCT loop functions occurring several times with the same designation are interpreted as errors and can be found by means of the check run 028002.

Retain leading zeros during numbering:

If this check box is activated, leading zeros in the designations and structure identifiers of segments and in the designations of PCT loops are retained during numbering.

If the check box is deactivated, leading zeros are not retained during numbering.

See also