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Pre-planning: DT Numbering

If functions are linked with a planning object, or planning objects with linked functions are moved within the structure, the DT of the functions are numbered automatically. This happens with the following actions:

  • Placing a template of a planning object
  • Assigning a planning object to a function
  • Moving a planning object to which functions are assigned in the pre-planning navigator
  • Moving a planning object in the graphical pre-planning to another structure box.

The functions linked with the planning objects are numbered according to the settings that apply to online numbering when inserting symbols. In this case, no distinction is made between whether the function was placed as a symbol and whether it was placed from a macro. If the macro contains further functions not linked with a planning object, these functions will be numbered according to the settings for online numbering when inserting macros.

The structure identifiers of a function are compiled from the structure identifiers of the planning object and the target page.

A product aspect entered at the structure segment is always part of the identifier structure. If no product aspect is entered at a subordinate planning object, it will be added during numbering.


The DT of the functions are not numbered automatically when you modify the structure identifiers of the planning object or of a superior segment. In this case updating of the detailed planning is required. To do so select the popup menu item Update detailed planning in the pre-planning navigator and in the subsequent dialog activate the check box Update device tags and symbolic addresses.

Such an update of the detailed planning causes functions (or representations) of a device that do not yet have a reference to the planning object to be given such reference. For this to be possible, the device may have only one main function.

Rules for online numbering

The DT must always be unique. If a product aspect is entered at a planning object in the full structure, at first this DT is used. If this already exists in the target structure, that is, if a duplicate DT would be created, a subcounter is appended, or an existing subcounter is incremented. In the process, the highest existing subcounter is increased by the value "1".

PLC connection points belonging to an address entry of a planning object on the basis of the (same) symbolic address and CPU are not numbered. But if the PLC connection point has a reference to a planning object, it, too, will be numbered in relation to it. (PLC connection points have a reference to the planning object only if their main function, that is, the PLC box, is defined in this planning object.)

If functions are inserted in the project that have no reference to a planning object, these functions will be numbered independently of the planning objects; but if the planning objects already have assigned functions, their DT will be taken into account.


  • We recommend that you use product aspects without subcounters, so that the subcounter remains available for online numbering.
  • We recommend that you enter only a question mark "?" and the identifier at the functions, but no counter. In this case, the identifier is used for DT numbering, and a new counter is generated, and - if provided for in the format - the prefix is entered. This identifier takes priority over the identifier entered in the macro.

The information in the value set of a placeholder object takes priority over the information at the planning object. The default specifications at the planning object (without a question mark "?") take priority over the numbering format set in the project.

In offline numbering, first the functions are numbered that are linked to a planning object, followed by the other functions.

See also