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Tab Format of assignment list

In this tab you define the format of the assignment list.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Character set:

Select the character set in which the assignment list is to be saved. Possible options are ANSI, ASCII (character set OEM 852) and UNICODE.

Allow umlauts:

Select this check box if umlauts are to be allowed in the assignment list.

If this check box is deselected, then umlauts are replaced when the assignment list is saved.

File name:

Enter the path and file name of the assignment list, or click to open the file selection dialog.

Using Popup menu > Insert path variable you branch to the Select path variable dialog where you can select one of the available EPLAN-specific path variables.


Here you can enter text to be displayed in the assignment list header.


Here you can enter text to be displayed in the assignment list footer.

Format of assignment list row:

Click [...] to open the Row formatting in assignment list dialog. Here you edit the format of digital or analog PLC addresses in the assignment list rows.

Format of assignment list address:

Click [...] to open the Format of address in assignment list dialog. Here you edit the format of digital or analog PLC addresses in the assignment list addresses.

See also