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Dialog Synchronize project data - <Project name>

In this dialog you define which project data is to be updated and completed in a target project.

Not only the project pages and master data belong to a project, but also project settings, report templates and other data such as layers, user-defined properties, property arrangements, etc. By means of this synchronization dialog you can specifically transfer the project settings and project data from a source project. In the process these data are copied into the target project.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Target project:

The project data of the target project are displayed in this list.


This drop-down list can be used to set the dialog for synchronizing the project data so that only the data of a specific type is displayed.

The list for the target project contains the following entries:

  • Status: Status information such as "Newer" or "Identical"
  • Name: File name of the data element
  • Type: Project data type (layer, property, property arrangement, etc.)
  • Modification date: Date of last modification to the data element

Source project:

Click [...] to select the project that is to be used as the source project for the different project data in the subsequent dialog. The source project last selected is pre-selected when the synchronization dialog is opened the next time.

The list of project data for the source project contains the following entries:

  • Status: Status information such as "Older" or "Differing"
  • Name: File name of the data element
  • Type: Project data type (layer, property, property arrangement, etc.)
  • Modification date: Date of last modification to the data element

The entries in both lists for the target and source project can be sorted alphanumerically by columns. For example, if you click the Type column, all entries will be sorted and displayed according to the project data type.

Arrow button:

Use the arrow button to transfer individual project data to the target project. Multiple selection is possible.


Use this drop-down list to set the dialog for synchronizing the project data so that only specific data is displayed. A chosen filter is activated automatically. The entry "- Not activated -" deactivates the filter and causes an unfiltered display of the data.

  • Show differences: Select this filter to display only the project data that exists both in the source project as well as in the target project and has the status "Older", "Newer" or "Differing".
  • Display older data: Select this filter so that the Target project data list shows only the project data that is older than the corresponding project data of the source project.


Use the menu options beneath this button to update and complete all project data of the target project.

Menu item


Update project

Replaces all outdated and different project data in the target project by the data of the source project.

Complete project

Supplements the project data of the target project with data which so far was only available in the source project.


If you select data of the "Setting" type during the synchronization and transfer them to the target project, the Undo action is not available subsequently. During the selection of other data types, however, an undoing of the synchronization is possible.

See also