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Tab Display (Extended project structures)

In this tab you define the preceding signs for the structure identifiers and the separators for sub-identifiers of the project structure.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Group box Identifier blocks

Functional assignment:

These fields contain the preceding signs and separators for "functional assignment". The fields are available when you have defined the structure identifier as describing or identifying at least once within the project structure. The following table shows the possible characters.

Preceding sign

Separator for sub-identifiers





Function designation:

These fields contain the preceding signs and separators for the "Function designation". The fields are available when you have defined the structure identifier as describing or identifying at least once within the project structure. The following table shows the possible characters.

Preceding sign

Separator for sub-identifiers




Installation site:

These fields contain the preceding signs and separators for the "installation site". The fields are available when you have defined the structure identifier as describing or identifying at least once within the project structure. The following table shows the possible characters.

Preceding sign

Separator for sub-identifiers




Location designation:

These fields contain the preceding signs and separators for the "Location designation". The fields are available when you have defined the structure identifier as describing or identifying at least once within the project structure. The following table shows the possible characters.

Preceding sign

Separator for sub-identifiers




Higher-level function number:

In this field you enter the preceding sign for the "higher-level function number". When characters are entered that are not permitted (blank, -, etc.) a corresponding Tooltip is displayed.

Document type:

In this field you enter the preceding sign for the "document type". Default is the preceding sign "&". In place of "&", a space can also be selected in EPLAN.


In these fields you enter the preceding sign and separator for a freely user-defined structure identifier. When characters are entered that are not permitted (blank, -, etc.) a corresponding Tooltip is displayed.

Automatic separation when number is followed by letter:

If this check box is selected then the substructures are separated by a change from numeral to letter. I.e., EPLAN interprets a change from numeral to letter within a structure identifier as a sub-structure.

If the check box is deactivated, sub-structures are displayed by means of the separators determined for sub-identifiers.

Group box Product aspect


The settings for the product aspect are only available if the Extended reference identification check box has been activated in the Structure tab of the project properties.

In this group box you determine whether the product aspect is used as a structuring element and how the sub-structures of the product aspect are displayed. For optimum product support we recommend to assign an identifying product aspect ("-") to all devices. Additional describing structuring criteria (aspects) can enhance structuring, if required. By structuring projects with product aspect identifiers, the designed machines can be completely structured by their mechanical structure.

Use for structuring:

If this check box is activated, the product aspect - i.e., the identifier block for the device (preceding sign "-") - is used as additional structuring element. The setting has the following effect:

  • The preceding sign "-" is always displayed in the full DT, even if no other identifier blocks are used.
  • The table for the DT is hidden in the Full DT dialog and the product aspect displayed in the Structure identifiers table.
  • The product aspect is displayed in structure identifier management.
  • Product aspects are nested at interruption points, too.
  • You can use the product aspect for structure segments in pre-planning. Concerning planning objects, you can use the product aspect even if the check box is deactivated.

If this check box is deactivated, then the product aspect is not used as a structuring element.

Preceding signs and separators:

These fields contain the preceding signs and separators for the "product aspect". The fields are available if the Use for structuring check box is active. The following table shows the possible characters.

Preceding sign

Separator for sub-identifiers





If the full-stop is selected as separator for the product aspect, some functionalities of the EPLAN platform are no longer usable completely since they are contrary to the usage of the full-stop as separator. Among others this includes functionalities which use subcounters and full-stop-separated fluid designations.

Automatic separation when number is followed by letter:

If this check box is selected then the substructures of the product aspect are separated by a change from numeral to letter. I.e., EPLAN interprets a change from numeral to letter within a structure identifier as a sub-structure.

If the check box is deactivated, sub-structures are displayed by means of the separators determined for sub-identifiers.

See also