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Main and Sub-identifiers for Identifier Blocks

Within the project structure, identifier blocks have particular classification levels that allow a structure identifier to be divided into main and sub-identifiers. The sub-identifiers form a hierarchy with the corresponding main identifier. A sub-identifier is always assigned to a main identifier. Depending on the identifier block, different numbers of sub-identifiers can be used in EPLAN. Main and sub-identifiers are separated from each other by particular characters. The separators that may be used depend on the particular identifier block.

Classification of identifier blocks

Main identifier


Functional assignment
(Preceding sign ==, # or ≠)

Classification level 1

Classification level 2

Identifies the functional relationship between higher-level functions, technical facilities, and devices.

Plants, plant sections, part sections, technical facilities, and devices

Master function and functional units

Main identifier


Function designation
(Preceding sign =)

Classification level 1

Classification level 2

Classification level 3

Identifies higher-level functions, plant sections, and technical facilities

Plants, plant sections, and part sections

Technical facilities and devices

Further subgroupings

Main identifier


Installation site
(Preceding sign ++)

Classification level 1

Classification level 2

Identifies topographical installation sites

Building, hallway, floor, stage, etc.

Rooms and areas

Main identifier


Location designation
(Preceding sign +)

Classification level 1

Classification level 2

Classification level 3

Classification level 4

Classification level 5

Identifies the mounting location of devices

Construction units, panels, tables, enclosures, power units, etc.

Mounting location within the construction unit

Further Subclassification

Further Subclassification

Further Subclassification

Main identifier

Higher-level function number (user-defined prefix)

Specifies the number of the higher-level function if the fluid circuit in the project consists of more than one higher-level function.

Main identifier


(Preceding sign -)

Classification level 1

Identifies the device


Main identifier


Document type
(Preceding sign &)

Classification level 1

Classification level 2

Classification level 3

Identifies document types to distinguish them by the information content

Document type, e.g. schematic, system schematic, terminal diagram, table of contents

Requirements for the technical realization, for example transfer via bus, fixed wiring.

Further Subclassification

Main identifier


(preceding sign user-defined /
default #)

Classification level 1

User-defined identifier block

Further Subclassification

Separators for defining sub-identifiers in identifier blocks

Identifier block

Separator for sub-identifiers

Functional assignment


Function designation


Installation site


Location designation



User-defined (default #)

See also