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Identification of Pages in Accordance with DIN EN 61355-1

The EPLAN Platform allows an identification of the pages in accordance with the standard DIN EN 61355-1. In this kind of identification a so-called "object identifier" is used for structuring. In doing so, the object identifier assigns a document (i.e. a project page) to a certain object (e.g. a function, a location, or a product).


  • To use the object identifier for structuring, the extended reference identification must have been activated in the project properties (Extended reference identification check box in the Structure tab).
  • In addition you have to specify that the object identifier is used to structure the pages. To do so activate the Use for structuring check box in the dialog Page structure for the object identifiers while creating a project.
  • The object identifier may only be used in combination with the Document type identifier block. A combination of object identifier and other identifier blocks is not possible.
  • The object identifier for structuring is inserted in the basic project IEC_bas002.zw9 that is included in the scope of delivery and the page structure in accordance with EN 61355-1.

In the case of such structuring, the full page name consists of the object identifier, the document type, and the page name. The contents of the object identifier can be the structure identifier of an identifier block (e.g., location designation or the product aspect) or a free text.

If the Use for structuring check box is activated, the behavior concerning input and evaluation of the page structure is toggled:

  • The object identifier is displayed in the Structure identifier table in the dialog Full page name. You can edit the object identifier.
  • Depending on the project setting Detached representation of substructures (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Display > Tree structure (pages)), the object identifier is displayed in a detached manner in the tree view of the page navigator, meaning that the substructures are displayed as separate tree nodes.
  • The object identifier is identifying, i.e., the pages –K01.Q01&EFS/1 and –K01.Q02&EFS/1 designate two different pages.
  • Only one aspect (functional, location, or product aspect), i.e. one identifier block, can be used as object identifier or a free text such as the type number. The functional aspect is accounted for by the function designation (preceding sign "="), the location aspect by the location designation (preceding sign "+"), and the product aspect by the product aspect identifier (preceding sign "-"). The product aspect is the identifier block for the device.
  • The object identifier is subject to the syntax check just like the normal structure identifiers (if these are used as object identifiers). If free text is entered, no syntax check will take place. Texts which contain either no preceding sign or several preceding signs are automatically recognized as free texts.
  • Page sorting is based on the sorting in structure identifier management. If a free text is used as object identifier, sorting is alphanumerical.
  • If an identifier is renamed in structure identifier management, it will also be changed in the object identifier.

See also