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Supplementary Fields and Free Properties

In addition to the concept of user-defined properties, EPLAN provides further possibilities of entering data for which no input fields are available by default:

Supplementary fields

Fixed defined supplementary fields are available for projects, pages and functions. These properties are displayed in the user interface with the unchangeable name Supplementary field [n] (with [n] being the index) and are identified through a fixed specified property number (ID). Using the index, you can differentiate between up to 1,000 supplementary fields.

  • Supplementary field for projects: ID 10901
  • Supplementary field for pages: ID 11901
  • Supplementary field for functions: ID 20901

You can store any data in these supplementary fields. You have to note the meaning specified by you of the supplementary fields.

Free properties in parts management

In the parts management you can define up to 1,000 so-called "free properties" for each part. These properties are defined in the form [Displayed name] [Value] [Unit] and displayed in the user interface as Free properties: Displayed name [n], Free properties: Value [n] and Free properties: Unit [n], whereby [n] specifies the index. The value and unit are assigned to the property through the same index value.

The ID assigned by the program is identifying for the properties, not the designation. The fields can therefore be used for different parts with a different meaning.


We recommend using the user-defined properties for the entry and display of additional information in the parts management. These offer you more setting options during the configuration than the free properties and behave in a way analogous to the user-defined properties for the project. The free properties only exist for reasons of compatibility.

See also