This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Tab Block attribute

In this tab you specify the assignment of certain properties in the exported file which are not exported with the standard values anymore but with the specified designations and command prompts. Please note that generally all properties are exported!

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Available properties:

All possible properties are listed in this column.

Attribute definition:

The assignments are displayed in this table. The table contains the following cells:

  • Element: The element selected under Available properties
  • Property: The property selected in the Attribute definition dialog
  • Designation: The attribute designation defined in the Attribute definition dialog
  • Command prompt: The input prompt defined in the Attribute definition dialog

Popup menu:

The popup menu provides - depending on the field type (e.g. date, integer, multilingual) - the following menu items that are, depending on the situation, available for influencing the table or editing the values in the fields. You can find an overview of these popup menu items in the section Popup menu items.

See also