This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: ImportPrePlanningData




Project name with complete file path (optional).
If nothing is entered, the selected project will be used if the action is to be run over the user interface (e.g. via the script or ribbon). When executing from the Windows command line, PROJECTNAME must be specified or ProjectAction has to be used before that. Otherwise a system message will appear.


Full path and name of the file to be imported.


Name of the scheme that defines the assignment of the external data fields to the EPLAN properties. Has to be specified.


If importing is carried from an MS Excel file, this parameter is used to specify the name of the spreadsheet or of the data area of the data source to be imported.


If the import is carried out from a text file, this parameter is used to define the separator that is used in the text file to separate the columns.


Output column designations (optional). Only relevant for importing from MS Excel. 1: Column designations of the data spreadsheet are output in the "External field" column of the assignment table. 0: Column designations are not output. Default value: 0.


Name of the object ("Designation (full)"property ID 44009) below which the imported data are to be inserted. If the parameter is empty, the data are inserted below the project name.


If the value is 1, importing is not aborted when faults and messages occur (optional). Default value: 1.


If the value is 1, pre-planning data of the same name are overwritten during importing (optional). Default value: 1.


If the value is 1, only the data of existing structure segments and planning data are updated (optional). Default value: 0.