This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: partslist




Type of task to be carried out:
IMPORT: Import bills of materials
EXPORT: Export bills of materials
IMPORTTOSYSTEM: Import into the parts management
EXPORTFROMSYSTEM: Export from the parts management
DELETESTOREDPROPERTIES: Deletion of saved properties from the project


Project name with complete file path (optional).
If nothing is entered, the selected project will be used if the action is to be run over the user interface (e.g. via the script or ribbon). When executing from the Windows command line, PROJECTNAME must be specified or ProjectAction has to be used before that. Otherwise a system message will appear.


The directory and the name of the file to be imported must be specified here. Applies only for IMPORT.


The directory and the name of the file to be exported must be specified here. The system adds a file name extension automatically. Applies only to EXPORT.



File formats for the import (TYPE:IMPORT) / export (TYPE:EXPORT) of bills of materials:

  • XPalXmlExporter
  • or XPalCSVConverter

Default value: XPalXmlExporter

File format for importing into the parts management (IMPORTTOSYSTEM):

  • XPamImportXml

Default value: XPamImportXml

File format for exporting from the parts management (EXPORTFROMSYSTEM):

  • XPamExportXml

Default value: XPamExportXml


Optional: SQL filter for advanced users.
Default value: 1 = 1


Optional: SQL filter for advanced users. Is used for the export of addresses.
Default value: 1 = 1


Optional: SQL filter for advanced users. Is used for the export of drilling patterns.

Default value: 1 = 0


Optional: SQL filter for advanced users. Is used for the export of connection point patterns.

Default value: 1 = 0


Optional: SQL filter for advanced users. Is used for the export of accessory lists.

Default value: 1 = 0


Optional: SQL filter for advanced users. Is used for the export of accessory placements.

Default value: 1 = 0


Optional: Directory and file name of the configuration file.
Default value: currently used configuration file.


Optional: Name of the scheme of the field assignment for importing parts.


Optional: Import mode. Supported modes are:

  • 0: Add new records only (default value)
  • 1: Update existing records only
  • 2: Update existing records and add new ones

When specifying an invalid value, the default value 0 will be used.


Optional. Only applies if TYPE = IMPORTTOSYSTEM. If the value of this parameter is 1, the multilingual properties will be updated with other language values. If the parameter is left out, the file content will replace the values of multilingual properties.


Configuration scheme for the deletion of saved properties (optional).
Default value: most recently used configuration scheme.


If the action partslist is to enable the complete export of all record types from parts management (TYPE=EXPORTFROMSYSTEM), the parameters SQLFILTERCONSTRUCTION, SQLFILTERTERMINAL, SQLFILTERACCESSORYLIST, and SQLFILTERACCESSORYPLACEMENT must be transferred with the value 1=1 in addition to the parameters SQLFILTERPART and SQLFILTERADDRESS.