This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Action: partsmanagementapi




Type of task to be carried out:
IMPORT: Importing parts (and other record types)
EXPORT: Exporting parts (and other record types)
EXPORTPARTS: Exporting a list of parts with the specified number of properties

EXPORTMANUFACTURERS: Exporting a list of manufacturers with the specified number of properties
EXPORTCONSTRUCTIONS: Exporting a list of drilling patterns with the specified number of properties

EXPORTCONNECTIONPATTERNS: Exporting a list of connection point patterns with the specified number of properties
EXPORTACCESSORYLISTS: Exporting an accessory list with the specified number of properties
EXPORTACCESSORYPLACEMENTS: Exporting a list of accessory placements with the specified number of properties


The directory and the name of the file to be imported must be specified here. Applies only for IMPORT.


The directory and the name of the file to be exported must be specified here. The system adds a file name extension automatically. Applies only to EXPORT.


Optional: File format (XPamImportXml, XPamExportXml or user-defined format). IXPartsImportExportEdz - Export to .edz and import from .edz.

XPamExportXml is the default value for the following task: TYPE: EXPORT.

XPamImportXml is the default value for the following task: TYPE: IMPORT.


Optional: Is used to export parts. Part number of the part.


Optional: Is used to export addresses. Full name of an address.


Optional: Is used to export drilling patterns. Name of the drilling pattern.


Optional: Is used to export connection point patterns. Name of the connection point pattern.


Optional: Is used to export accessory lists. Name of the accessory list.


Optional: Is used to export accessory placements. Name of the accessory placement.


Optional: Import mode. Supported modes are:

  • 0: Add new records only (default value)
  • 1: Update existing records only
  • 2: Update existing records and add new ones

When specifying an invalid value, the default value 0 will be used.


Optional. Only applies if TYPE = IMPORT. If the value of this parameter is 1, the multilingual properties will be updated with other language values. If the parameter is left out, the file content will replace the values of multilingual properties.


Filter scheme for the export of parts.
The default value is empty. Using the scheme allows filtering and exporting of parts.


Part property number (ID). Whereby "n" in PROPERTYIDn is the number that corresponds to the nth number in PROPERTYVALUEn .


Value of the specified part property number. Whereby "n" in PROPERTYVALUEn is the number that corresponds to the nth number in PROPERTYIDn .


To export more than one record please use the parameters for this record type as well as a counter with the following number of the exported record (for the record type "Part", for example /PARTNUMBER1:A-B.100-C09EJ01 /PARTNUMBER2:A-B.140M-C-AFA11 etc.).