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Unpacking Projects

Packed projects that were, for example, packed in previous EPLAN versions can be opened or unpacked in the project management just like any other project.

Open a packed project

  1. Select the following commands: File > Open > Command group Open > Browse
  2. Select the entry "Packed EPLAN project (*.elp)" in the file types field of the Open project dialog.
  3. Switch to the directory where the project is stored and select the desired project.
  4. Click [Open].

    The project is unpacked and a progress bar is displayed with the option of canceling the process. If you have opened the page navigator, then the project is displayed there.


  • You can also open a packed project by double-clicking on a project with the *.elp file name extension. The project is automatically unpacked and opened.
  • In the project management you can unpack a selected packed project by using [Organize] > Unpack.

See also