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Checking Outlines

A geometric test is available to check at any time during outline editing whether your outline is correct or there are errors. Depending on the file type (outline type) used, this check performs the following routines:

Geometric check for the Outline extrusion type:

  • Use of illegal elements
  • Existence of at least one closed outline
  • All existing outlines are closed and do not contain any duplicate elements
  • No nested inner outlines.

Geometric check for the Outline NC record generation type:

  • Use of illegal elements
  • Existence of exactly one closed outline which does not contain duplicate elements
  • No nested inner outlines.


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have opened an outline that you want to edit in the outline editor (Tab Master data > Command group Outline / form > Drop-down button Outline (...) > Open > Button [Open]).
  1. Select the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Outline > Check.
  2. Confirm the message in the Check outline dialog by clicking [OK].
  3. Select the following commands: File > Extras > Command group System > System messages.

    The system messages applicable to the current outline are saved to the system messages file, and can be printed as required.
  4. Click [Close] in the System messages dialog.