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Dialog Settings: Dimensioning

In this dialog you specify the settings to be used when drawing new dimensions. Changing these settings will not change existing dimensions. One exception to this rule is the start value displayed for incremental dimensions.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Group box Dimension value


The drop-down list displays the fonts specified in the project or company settings. Select the desired font.

The fonts are shown here in the same order as assigned to Fonts 1 through 10 in the project or company settings. If a font is changed in the project or company settings, then it is automatically updated here.


The fonts defined in the project settings have priority over the fonts defined in the company settings.
If a font entered in the project settings is not available on the computer, the appropriate font will be taken from the company settings.

Distance to dimension line:

Here you specify the desired distance from the dimension value to the dimension line.


Select the dimensioning unit from the drop-down list.

Display units:

If this check box is selected, the unit will be displayed with the dimension value on the dimension line.

If the check box is deselected, only the dimension value is displayed.

Display two units:

If this check box is selected, the dimension value is displayed as a metric unit (mm, cm, etc.) and in inches.

The dimension value with the second unit (thus the one that is not set in the Unit field) is displayed immediately after the first dimension value with the first unit in square brackets (e.g. 88 mm[3.46"]). The dimension value for the second unit is shown to the same accuracy as the first dimension value; however, a maximum of two decimal places is displayed.

If the check box is not selected, the dimension value is displayed with the unit specified in the Unit field only.


It is not possible to display two units for the angular dimension. In this case, the Display two units check box in the properties dialog is grayed out.


From the drop-down list, select the desired number of decimal places to be displayed for the dimension value.

Suppress zero:

If this check box is selected, non-significant zeros will not be shown.

Display dimension value as fraction:

If this check box is selected, decimal numbers such as "0.5", "0.25", "0.125", "0.0625", or multiples thereof will be displayed as a fraction. Possible values for fractions are therefore "1/2", "1/4", "1/8", "1/16", and multiples thereof. Other decimal numbers are not shown as fractions.

Horizontal dimension value:

If this check box is selected, the dimension value is always shown horizontally, regardless of the dimensioning direction.

If this check box is not selected, the dimension value is displayed according to the dimension direction.

Dimension value centered in dimension line:

If this check box is selected, the dimension value is placed in the center of the dimension line and the dimension line is interrupted. The dimension value is always displayed horizontally and centered. In this case, the Horizontal dimension value and Center dimension value check boxes are grayed out. This setting also affects the angle and alignment of the dimension value; these are grayed out on the Format tab and cannot be changed.

Extension of dimension help line:

Here you specify how far the dimension help line should extend past the dimension line.

Dimension line termination:

From the drop-down list, select how the ends of the dimension lines should be displayed, for example with arrows.

Dimension line interrupted by dimension value:

If this check box is selected, the dimension line is interrupted if the dimension value intersects with it.

If this check box is deselected, the dimension line is never interrupted, regardless of the position of the dimension value.

Display start value for incremental dimension:

If this check box is selected, the start value, i.e. the value at the first measuring point, is also displayed for incremental dimensions. If the check box is not selected, this value is not displayed.

See also