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Connection Symbols: Busbars

EPLAN busbars are also produced by individual functions, so-called "busbar connection points". They contain a device tag and there is a main function as well as (0-n) auxiliary functions. Compared to other items in the schematic, the following differences should be kept in mind:

  • Busbar device structures have their own setting (Structure tab of the Project properties dialog) because busbars generally do not have a function designation or location designation in DIN projects.
  • Connection point designations are optional and missing connection point designations are not reported as errors.
  • There is one potential transfer from the first connection point of the main function to the connection points of the auxiliary functions (and to the remaining connection points of the main function).
  • There is one signal transfer from the first connection point of the main function to the connection points of the auxiliary functions (and to the remaining connection points of the main function). In this case the With signal isolation setting (check box in the Symbol / function data tab of the Properties (components) dialog) is taken into consideration: If the With signal isolation check box is activated at the main function, the signal is not passed on to any auxiliary function. If a check box is selected in an auxiliary function, no signal transfer is made to this one auxiliary function, but the signal transfer from the main function to other auxiliary functions is unaffected.
  • The setting connection group = "Connections attached to busbars" is available for numbering busbar connections.
  • Parts for busbars are available in the field Generic product group "Electrical engineering", Product group "Transmission paths".

The Category = "Busbars" contains the following function definitions:

  • "Busbar connection points" group: Function definition = "Busbar connection point"
  • "Busbar connection points, 2 connection points" group: Function definition = "Busbar connection point, 2 connection points"
  • "Busbar connection points, variable" group: Function definition = "Busbar connection point, variable"

The functions are auxiliary functions by default. The connections have the properties Connection point type = "undefined", Potential type = "undefined" and the setting Cable connection point is set to "No" (Connection point logic dialog in the component properties).

See also