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Checking Forms

A special function is available to check at any time during form editing whether your form is correct or there are errors.


  • You have opened a project.
  • You have opened the form you want to edit in the form editor (Tab Master data > Command group Plot frames / forms > Drop-down button Form > Open > Button [Open]).
  1. Select the following commands: Tab Edit > Command group Form > Drop-down button Other > Check form.
  2. Confirm the prompt in the Check form dialog.
  3. Click [Save] in the System messages dialog.
  4. Specify drive and directory in which the log file should be saved using the Open dialog.
  5. In the File name field, enter a descriptive name for the log file.
  6. Click [Open].
  7. Click [Close] in the System messages dialog.

    The system messages that apply to the current form are saved in the corresponding file and can be printed as needed.