This functionality is only available for certain module packages. Info / Copyright

Tab Placement (editors)

In this tab, the property is displayed which is replaced by the placeholder / special text and can be changed later.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


This field displays the property currently assigned to the placeholder / special text. Click [...] to open the Placeholder texts - <Form type> or Property selection dialogs and, if necessary, replace the property with another.

Properties formatted / calculated:

In this field you can define the formatting and calculations for each line: Clock [...] to open the dialog Format: Property and there define the format settings for the properties and / or calculations.


This field displays the customer-specific extension currently assigned to the placeholder by an action. Click [...] to open the Enter name of the action dialog and, if necessary, replace the action with a different one.

Show as QR code:

Is only available for the options Property and Properties formatted / calculated. If this check box is activated, QR codes are generated for the previous, selected property during reporting on the basis of the determined values and are output on the output report pages.


Select the type of summation from this drop-down list. Summation is possible for the following areas:



Data header area

Data area

Data footer area

Footer / Placeholder freely positioned / in static forms


not available

not available

not available

totals the placeholder from the data header area to the data footer area

totals the placeholder on the current page

Subtotal + Carry over

not available

not available

not available

totals the placeholder from the data header area to the data footer area and adds the carry over from the calculation of the previous data footer area.

totals the placeholder on the current page and adds the carry over from the calculation of the previous page

Carry over

carries over the result of the calculation of the previous page

carries over the result of the calculation of the previous data footer area

not available

carries over the result of the calculation of the previous data footer area

carries over the result of the calculation of the previous page


totals the placeholder for the entire report

not available

not available

totals the placeholder for the entire report

totals the placeholder for the entire report

If a placeholder text with the Summation property is placed in an area where this setting is not allowed (e.g., the setting "Subtotal" in a header area), then an appropriate message is displayed on closing the form and the placeholder is reset to the setting "Do not add up".

Add up property in one row:

You can use this check box to combine several objects in one line. For example, this is the case when you have activated the Combine in a line by form property and defined there the properties for which identical data is to be combined in one line.

If the check box is activated, the property values of objects combined in one line are added up. Combined with one of the options in the Summation field, the totals of the combined rows are output.


  • If, in the data area, the properties are to be added up in one row, the Add up property in one row check box must also be activated at the corresponding placeholder text to correctly output the subtotal.
  • A total defined in the form (entry "Total" in the Summation field) is output as the final total at the end of the report. If, however, the current sum is to be displayed at the end of each page, the "Subtotal + Carry over" entry must be selected in the footer area.

Replace identical text:

In the case of identical texts below each other the text for the placeholder text is replaced with the string from the settings (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Reports > Display / output) if this check box is activated. By default an "=" is specified here. Please note that this setting option is not available for tables of contents.

For placeholder texts for Function texts the setting Reports: Replace identical function texts takes precedence that specified here (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Management > Compatibility).

Display all connections:

This check box is only available for the placeholder texts Cable chart data area ... for the output of cable connection properties in forms of the "Terminal diagram" or "Plug diagram" type!

If the check box is selected, then the data area of the cable chart for the terminal or plug diagram will also show individual connections. Only those individual connections will be considered that are defined via a connection or potential definition point.

If the check box is deselected, then the data area of the cable chart will show only the cable connections of the cables listed in the header.

See also