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Tab Dimensioning (automatic dimensioning)

In this tab, you can specify the properties of the automatic dimensioning of a model view.

Overview of the main dialog elements:

Property / Assignment:

You can edit the properties of the automatic dimensioning in this table. The following hierarchy levels are available here which you can open by clicking the sign:

First measuring point:

This specifies where the first measuring point of automatic dimensioning is to be set.

  • Measuring point at item: Specifies the corner points of the item as the position for the measuring points.
  • Measuring point is applied ...: Measuring points are applied solely to mounting surfaces, field sizes or surrounding rectangles.

Dimension line position:

Specifies the position of the dimension line.

  • Horizontal: Determines the horizontal position of the dimension line in relation to the hierarchically highest item.
  • Vertical: Determines the vertical position of the dimension line in relation to the hierarchically highest item.
  • Distance of dimension line: Distance of the dimension line in millimeters to the item edge of the hierarchically highest item.
  • Dimension help line: Specifies how far the dimension help line is to be drawn at the subsequent measuring points.

See also