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Reporting of Path Function Texts

The path function text is only evaluated on logic pages (such as schematic pages with multi-line or single-line representation, overview pages, etc.). On all other types of page, path function texts are treated like graphical texts.

There is a peculiarity on the PLC overview pages for PLC connection points and channel symbols. If no own function text is entered at these functions, the Function text (automatic) property does not show the path function text but rather the automatic function text of the corresponding PLC connection point on the multi-line schematic page. This function text can then be determined from a path function text. For channel symbols, the function text transfer occurs through the insertion point of the symbol and not via the position of the I/O connection point.

Evaluation for general functions

EPLAN looks for the schematic path where the component is located – depending on the setting for the Reporting direction property of the plot frame being used – from top to bottom or from left to right. The path function text farthest to the top or left is found. The path function text is determined for each function regardless of whether it is a main function or auxiliary function.

In connection lists, the function text of the component the connection is connected to is always displayed. In device tag lists and bills of materials, only the main function is printed and thus only its function text is used.

When searching from top to bottom, the path function text closest to the top is found.

H3 path text 1

Search direction 1 H3 path text 2

H3 path text 3 H4 path text 1 H4 path text 3
Search direction 2 H3 path text 4 H4 path text 2

When searching from left to right, the path function text farthest to the left is found and used.

Search direction 1 Search direction 2

You can extend the search for a path function text to the entire schematic path by using the project setting Extend path function text on the schematic path (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing > General) .

Evaluation for terminals and pins

Depending on the reporting direction of the plot frame used, the search is performed from top to bottom or from left to right.

For a reporting direction "Vertical", search starts with the terminal and is carried out upwards in the same schematic path. The schematic path search then continues downwards, starting from the terminal. If no path function text is found there, the schematic paths to the left of the terminal are then searched completely from bottom to top.

Search direction

For a reporting direction "Horizontal", search starts with the terminal and is carried out to the left in the same schematic path. The path is then searched to the right, starting from the terminal. If no path function text is found there, the paths above the terminal are then searched completely from right to left.

Search direction


The report described here for terminals and pins functions in the same way as for shields, cables and conduits.

Multi-level terminals

For multi-level terminals, the path function text is evaluated for each terminal level, that is, the function text can be different for each level.

Connection lists always use the function text of the level which was found as a target, while bills of material always use the function text from level 0.

Evaluation for PLC connection points and device connection points

First, starting from the PLC connection point, the search proceeds opposite to the connection point direction. If no path function text is found there, then the search proceeds in the connection point direction.

Connection point left
Search direction 2

Connection point left
Search direction 1
Connection point right
Search direction 1

Connection point right
Search direction 2
Connection point bottom
Search direction 1

Connection point top
Search direction 2
Connection point bottom
Search direction 2

Connection point top
Search direction 1

The search order for PLC connection points and device connection points can be reversed using the project setting Reverse search direction for PLC connection points (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Graphical editing > General).

Connection point left
Search direction 1

Connection point left
Search direction 2
Connection point right
Search direction 2

Connection point right
Search direction 1
Connection point bottom
Search direction 2

Connection point top
Search direction 1
Connection point bottom
Search direction 1

Connection point top
Search direction 2

If no path function text is found at a PLC connection point, then the Function text (automatic) of the connected sensor or actuator is displayed.

Via the project setting Extended adoption of path function text (command path: File > Settings > Projects > "Project name" > Devices > PLC) you can extend the search for a path function text to the entire schematic path: If none of the above cases apply, then a search is carried out for a path function text in the existing schematic paths (in a similar manner to terminals). Depending on the connection point direction, a found function text is adopted from the left or from above.

The following table clarifies the "preferred" adoption in the standard search sequence (with the deactivated project setting Reverse search direction for PLC connection points). The schematic paths are first searched against the connection point direction and then towards the connection point direction.

Connection point direction

Adoption of the function text from


left (search direction first downwards, and then upwards)


left (search direction first upwards, and then downwards)


above (search direction first to the right, and then to the left)


above (search direction first to the left, and then to the right)

Evaluation for channel symbols

Besides PLC connection points, EPLAN also supports PLC channel symbols. These are symbols which include multiple PLC connection points. Since the connection point direction (and thus the search direction for the path function text) is normally the same for all channel symbols, it is always oriented to the first connection point.


Terminal strip and plug definitions, and also potential connection points, do not evaluate the path function text. Only manually entered function text is used.

See also