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Working with Nested Structure Boxes

If the Structure box check box is selected in the Nesting group box of the Inheritance tab in the Extended project structures dialog, then structure boxes can be nested. In this case, the display (the entry) of the point is omitted in the innermost identifier in the schematic.

When this setting is changed, all components located in structure boxes must therefore be edited.

The view is always from outside inwards, i.e., in the outermost structure box the missing parts are taken from the page. A box located within this box then completes its missing parts from the box outside it, and so on. Finally, the components fill in their missing parts from the innermost box. That means that missing or incomplete identifiers in the Displayed DT entry are completed from the superordinate unit, where a superordinate unit can be a page, a structure box, or a black box.


You have opened a project.

  1. Select the following commands: File > Information > Command group Project properties > Structure.
  2. Click [Other].
  3. In the Extended project structures dialog, select the Structure boxes check box in the Nesting group box of the Inheritance tab.
  4. Confirm your entries.

    The project structures will be changed and the device tags will be adapted.
  5. Switch to a schematic page.
  6. Insert multiple nested structure boxes.

    The Full DT field displays the nesting for each interior black box using the nested device tags.


In the case of nested structure boxes, identifiers in the displayed DT of the structure box will always be interpreted as sub-identifiers, regardless of whether the separator for sub-identifiers (period) was entered or not.


If you hold down the [Shift] key while moving an element from the box, the original nested DT will be maintained.

See also