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Dialog Edit externally

In this dialog, define how and where the selected data should be exported. Note that output depends on the object type which was determined when creating the scheme and cannot be changed subsequently any more.

Different object types are possible depending from where you call up the export. In the parts management object types are available such as parts, addresses, drilling patterns, etc. In the Backstage view during the export of project data these are object types such as devices, cables, path function texts etc. Accordingly, you are always only offered schemes for selection with the respective relevant object during the respective export.

Overview of the main dialog elements:


This drop-down list shows all the user-defined and pre-defined schemes for external editing. Click [...] to edit or create a scheme.

Object type:

A scheme for external editing is always generated for a specific object type. In this field the object type is displayed that was selected when creating the current scheme. Subsequent changes can then not be made to the object type!


From this drop-down list, select the language to be used for the export:

  • All project languages / All languages: For this setting the multilingual data is output depending on the number of languages set for the project / parts management. When importing only the imported languages are replaced, and other existing languages are not changed. A corresponding translation must be started afterwards.
  • One individual language (e.g., en_US (English (USA))).

Target file:

In this field, enter the file name including the file path of the target file to be created, or click to interactively select the directory and the file name.

You can use the Insert path variable popup menu item to branch to the dialog Select path variable where you can select one of the available path variables.


Note that when exporting Pages the path variables for "Project directory complete" and "Project name" are empty because these can change independently of the selected target file.

Output type:

In this group box, select one of the available output options:

  • Export: Select this option if you only want to export the data to, for example, edit it at a different workplace.
  • Export and start application: Select this option if, after the export, the application should be started directly for external editing, or if you want to edit the data at a different workplace but want to view it first and rework it if needed.
  • Edit in external application and reload: Select this option if you want to edit the data in the external application and then have it available directly in your project / your parts management after you exit the other application.

Apply to entire parts management:

Only available during a callup from the parts management via the popup menu Export data. Select this check box if the current selection is to be extended to include all records of the current object type. If you have selected one or more parts, all parts of the parts management are exported. If you have selected one or more accessory lists, all accessory lists of the parts management are exported for the fitting object type.

See also