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P001031: The distributed terminal could not be included in optimization. <x>


If a distributed terminal can not be considered for optimization this may be due to the following reasons:

  • The distributed terminal uses unknown connection point designations. For example, the distributed terminal to be optimized has certain connection point designations that you also want to retain after optimization. To this purpose you activated the Keep existing connection point designations check box in the Optimize distributed terminals dialog, but later selected a terminal part for optimization that provides additional connection point designations through its function definition.
  • The distributed terminal has more connection points than the function definition of the newly selected terminal part. For example, a part was chosen for optimization and its function definition has fewer connection points than the distributed terminal that is to be optimized.
  • The new function definition is invalid. For example, a non-terminal part was selected for optimizing the relevant distributed terminal.

The various causes are output in the message text with the placeholder <x>.


  1. Locate the distributed terminal in the schematic by using the Go to (graphic) functionality from the popup menu in the Message management dialog.
  2. For all three cases select a terminal part with an appropriate function definition and matching connection point designations.


This module-related notification was output when optimizing distributed terminals. Using a new check run (any desired scheme) it can be deleted from the message management dialog.