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P004004: Missing bus port on overview


A bus port was determined in the schematic for which no associated counterpiece is available on the overview page. Therefore you cannot form a cross-reference between the bus port in the schematic and the bus port on the overview page.

Possibility 1:

The representation type of the bus port on the overview page is not correct.

Possibility 2:

The representation type of the bus port on the overview page is correct. The DT of the bus port on the overview page has, however, been changed.

Possibility 3:

The bus port on the overview page has been deleted.


Regarding option 1

  1. Locate the bus port on the overview page using the Go to (graphic) functionality that is provided by the popup menu of the Message management dialog.
  2. Call up the property dialog and bring the Symbol / function data tab to the front.
  3. Select the "Overview" entry from the Representation type drop-down list.

Regarding options 2 and 3

  1. Locate the bus port on the schematic page using the Go to (graphic) functionality that is provided by the popup menu of the Message management dialog.
  2. Select the popup menu items Cross-referenced function > List.
  3. In the Search results dialog select the entry with the DT of the PLC box on the overview page.
  4. Select the Go to (graphic) popup menu item and jump to the PLC box on the overview page.
  5. Check the device tags of the bus ports contained in the PLC box and compare these to the associated bus ports in the PLC box on the schematic page.
  6. Correct the changed device tag of the bus port on the overview page by assigning the same DT and / or the connection point designation as the associated bus port on the schematic page.

    If no bus port can be determined on the overview page, insert it in the PLC box. Enter the same DT and / or the same connection point designation at this bus port as for the associated bus port on the schematic page. The assignment of the correct representation type (overview) takes place automatically.

If required, start a new check run.