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P004037: Missing bus ID (bus port '<x>' in the bus system: '<y>')


The bus ID is missing at the bus port '<x>' that is assigned to the bus system '<y>'.


  1. Locate bus port in the schematic using the Go to (graphic) functionality that is provided by the popup menu of the Message management dialog.
  2. Open the property dialog of the bus port.
  3. Bring the Bus data tab to the front.
  4. Enter the missing bus ID in the Physical network: Bus ID / item number field.
  5. Or activate the property Ignore missing bus ID, if the bus port does not require a bus ID.
  6. If required, start a new check run.


  • This check run only reports a missing bus ID if the Network / bus cable connection point, general function definition is set at the bus port.
  • Only main bus ports are checked. Bus ports where a value is entered at the Bus interface: Name property and where the check box of the property Bus interface: Main bus port is deactivated are not reported.
  • In the case of bus ports the Plug designation and the Bus interface name are used for identification in addition to the connection point designation. A check is carried out whether this combination (Connection point designation + Plug designation + Bus interface name) is identical. If at least one of these partial designations shows a difference, the message is not output.