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P004072: Bus ID '<x>' of a physical network '<y>' assigned several times


The same bus IDs were specified at several bus ports of the bus system in a physical network of a configuration project. The usage of this check run makes sense if bus IDs within the complete physical network have to be unique.

This check run only checks bus ports at which a configuration project is entered.


  1. Locate the bus ports in the schematic by using the functionalities Go to (graphic) and Go to (2nd coordinate), which the popup menu of the Message management dialog offers you.
  2. Open the Properties <...> dialog for the corresponding bus ports. In the Bus data tab, enter different values into each of the Physical network: Bus ID / item number or Physical network: Bus ID / item number 2 fields under consideration of the physical network specified in the placeholder <y>.
  3. Or change the entry in the Physical network: Name field at one of the bus ports to assign this bus port to another physical network.
  4. Update the connections.
  5. If required, start a new check run.