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P004090: PLC station type in the project and at the part differ


At a PLC box that represents a CPU or a head station the value that is entered at the PLC station: Type property deviates from the value that is stored at the property of the same name at the selected part.


Possibility 1

  1. Locate the PLC box in the schematic using the Go to (graphic) functionality that is provided by the popup menu of the Message management dialog.
  2. Open the property dialog of the PLC box.
  3. Bring the Parts tab of the PLC box to the front.
  4. Call up the part selection in the list on the left via the entered part number.
  5. Bring the Properties tab to the front for the PLC part marked in the part selection.
  6. Determine the value entered at the PLC station: ID property.
  7. Exit the part selection and change to the first tab of the PLC box in the property dialog.
  8. Enter the value that you determined at the property having the same name of the selected part into the properties table in the value field of the PLC station: ID property.
  9. Click [OK].
  10. If required, start a new check run.

Possibility 2

  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 described in "Option 1".
  2. For the CPU select a part whose value at the PLC station: ID part property matches the value of the property of the same name at the PLC box.
  3. If required, start a new check run.