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P004111: Connection between bus ports with different property 'Physical network: Name' ('<x>', '<y>')


Several interconnected bus ports are combined into a physical network. In the concrete case one or multiple bus ports connected to each other that are part of a physical network have different values assigned for the property Physical network: Name. The different values are output in the placeholders <x> and <y> of the message.


  1. Using the functionalities Go to (graphic) and Go to (2nd coordinate) which the popup menu of the Message management dialog offers, jump to the network / bus cable connection points of the physical network that are connected to each other.
  2. Call up the respective property dialog at the network / bus cable connection points and enter the same value in the Bus data tab in the Physical network: Name field. Or alternatively, enter the name of the physical network only at one of the network / bus cable connection points that are connected with each other and delete it at the other network / bus cable connection points.
  3. Update the connections.
  4. If required, start a new check run.