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P005010: Connection without specification of potential


No potential is defined at a connection.


Possibility 1

  1. Select the following commands: Tab Connections > Command group Connections > Navigator.
  2. To locate the faulty connection, click the message in the dialog of the message management and select the popup menu item Synchronize selection.

    The connection is marked in the connections navigator.
  3. Jump from the selected connection via the popup menu items Go to (graphic, source) and / or Go to (graphic, target) to the target functions in the schematic between which the graphical connection runs as an autoconnecting line.
  4. Place a potential definition point on this line.
  5. Specify a potential name in the property dialog.
  6. Click [OK].

Possibility 2:

For the case that you have created an unplaced connection, proceed as follows:

  1. To remove data from your project that is not required anymore, select the following commands: File > Extras > Command group Organize > Project > Command group Optimize > Compress project.
  2. In the compression settings activate the check box Remove unplaced connections.

If required, start a new check run.