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P005014: Connection and connecting point have differing connection point types


You have set the same connection point type at the function connection points of the targets of a connection. In addition you have assigned a connection definition point to the connection and have assigned a function definition to it that does not match the connection point type of the targets.


This message is not output if the connection definition point has the following function definition:

  • Jumper
  • Saddle jumper
  • Wire jumper
  • Switching jumper
  • Internal jumper
  • Insertable jumper
  • Direct connection
  • Undefined
  • Phase busbar connection

The message is not output if the connection point type of the functions involved at the connection has the value "Undefined".


  1. Open the connections navigator via the menu items Project data > Connections > Navigator.
  2. Locate the connection definition point in the schematic by using the Go to (graphic) functionality from the popup menu in the Message management dialog.
  3. Call up the property dialog of this component.
  4. Bring the Symbol / function data tab to the front and check the set function definition.
  5. Terminate the dialog.
  6. Click the message in the message management dialog once again and select the popup menu item Synchronize selection.

    The connection is marked in the connections navigator.
  7. Jump from the selected connection via the popup menu items Go to (graphic, source) and / or Go to (graphic, target) to the targets in the schematic between which the graphical connection runs as an autoconnecting line.
  8. Open the respective property dialog of the target functions and bring the Symbol / function data tab to the front.
  9. Select the [Logic] button and check the connection point type set at the function connection points of the targets.
  10. If the connection point type at the target functions deviates from the function definition of the connection definition point, modify the values to suit each other.
  11. Confirm your entries.
  12. If required, start a new check run.