The net contains one or more connection symbols for which the Specify targets property is activated. The wiring targets are then displayed instead of the connection points.
A net in the schematic contains a T-node for which the Specify targets property is activated (see circle in the following figure).
- In the Message management dialog double-click the message to identify the associated net in the schematic that contains the connection symbols with target specification.
- Track T-nodes, double junctions or bridges within the net and check the representation of these symbols.
- If you have determined one or more connection symbols with target specification, call up the respective property dialog of the symbol.
- In the property dialog deactivate the Specify targets check box.
All target variants of the connection symbol are grayed out.
- Click [OK].
The respective connection symbol is now displayed as a point.
If you configure nets, you can use the setting Deactivate 'Specify targets' property when inserting a net definition point (command path: File > Settings > User > Graphical editing > Connection symbols) to already deactivate the target specification during the inserting of connection symbols, whereby the symbols are displayed as connection points.