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P017011: Displayed DT contains structure identifiers that are not required


One or more structure identifiers that already exist in the full DT were entered manually in the Displayed DT field in the dialog Properties <...> of a function, a structure box or a black box or an interruption point.

In the case of schematics with devices that are placed very closely, manually placed structure identifiers that are already contained in the full DT can rapidly impair the readability of schematics. This check run allows you to determine superfluous structure identifiers and thus keep order in the project.


  1. Locate the function in the schematic using the Go to (graphic) functionality from the popup menu in the Message management dialog.
  2. Call the dialog Properties <...> of the component and compare the entries in the Displayed DT and Full DT property fields.
  3. Delete all the superfluous structure identifiers in the Displayed DT, i.e. all the structure identifiers that are already contained in the Full DT field.
  4. If required, start a new check run.